Equifax Data Breach

The infringement of Equifax data breach happened in the U.S. credit office Equifax from May to July 2017. The violation compromised the private records of 147,9 million U.S. citizens, 15,2 million British citizens. And some 19,000 Canadian nationals, making it one of the largest I.D. robbery cybercrimes.

Equifax provided affected users with settlement funds. It also offers free checking of credit in a settlement with the United States Federal Trade Commission.

In February 2020, the U.S. government accused members of the People’s Liberation Army of China of hacking sensitive information into Equifax in the context of a mass heist.

It included stealing trade secrets, although the Communist Party of China denied these claims. The data violation in Equifax mainly done via a patched third-party software exploit.

Nonetheless, the Equifax has not changed on its database. The open-source Apache Struts use by Equifax. This is to provide a platform for system-managed customer credit conflicts.

On March 7, 2017, a primary security fix issue on Apache Struts after a vulnerability breach. And it advises all users to upgrade it immediately.


Security researchers noticed an anonymous community of hackers seeking to locate places that not patched Struts and locate a device and manipulate as early as on March 10, 2017. The hack at Equifax occurred on May 12, 2017, as defined by post mortem analysis.

Equifax has failed to upgrade the latest Struts edition of the credit arbitration platform. The criminals used this achievement in their company’s Equifax network. This is to obtain access to internal servers.

The first hackers gathered information included Equifax employees’ internal authorizations. It helps criminals, in the name of registered users. Thus, it is to scan for credit reporting databases.

The hackers conducted more than 9,000 database scans by using encryption to mask their searches further. The hacker also extracted details from the Equifax website. 

He/she does this via tiny temporary archives to prevent detection and erase the temporary database until it is done.

The operation continued 76 days until July 29, 2017, when Equifax detected the infringement and then halted the hack until July 30, 2017.

At least 34 computers from 20 separate countries used at varying stages in the breach, rendering it impossible to identify the offenders.

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Although the failure to update Struts was significant, the analysis of the violation revealed additional defects in the Equifax system that made a breach easy. Those involve the unstable architecture of the network without adequate segmentation.

It did not encrypt personal information (PII) very well and could not identify breakage mechanisms effectively. Infringement details contain first and last names, statistics of the social protection official, birthdays, residences and, in certain situations, driver’s license numbers reported at 143 million Americans.

Besides, it was based on the analysis by Equifax.

It is also jeopardized details on the approximate population of fewer than 400,000 UK citizens and up to 44 million Canadian people. A further 11,670 Canadians, subsequently discovered by Equifax, also impact.

Visa card details have since obtained for approximately 209,000 U.S. customers. Moreover, the individual court records containing identifying information about nearly 182,000 U.S. consumers.

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