CISO tips

CISO Tips: How To Create A Safer Business Environment


As businesses strengthen their security, cyber threats also grow in volume and complexity. With this in mind, what CISO tips can help to create a safer business environment? Read the following tips to learn and find out more.

5 CISO Tips Others Find Effective

Invest In Threat Intelligence Programmes

Threat Intelligence is information that helps to understand existing or potential hazards. And organizations use this intelligence to identify, prevent, or respond to threats.

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is a collection of information gathered from various sources. It can be:

  • From human
  • Digital
  • Internal, or
  • External organizations

A threat intelligence program collects information to prepare, and prevent. And to identify cyber threats aiming to take advantage of the firm’s valuable resources. Also, it can save a lot of CISO’s time

Integrate IT Security And Business Risk Management

IT security must not depart from the broader business risk management strategy. It’s because IT security no longer works effectively in silos. Rather, it needs to be part of the risk-based approach.

The integration also helps businesses to keep pace with the continuous evolution of the attack vectors. CISO needs to promote IT governance.

Because it guarantees that the IT strategy is aligning and supporting the overall goal of the business.

Ensure Communication With C-Suite Colleagues

The survey showed that only 40% of the CISOs consult with business-unit managers to understand the business before proposing a security approach.

This points to a shortage of ongoing communication and a lack of trust.
Constant communication between CEOs, board members, and CISOs will result in an effective cyber risk mitigation strategy.

CISOs need to work with their C-suite colleagues and board directors. To bring governance practices into the digital age.

Because boards now accept that cyber risk management and regulations require their oversight, then it’s the most favorable time to strengthen communication at the senior levels.

Manage Third-Party Risks

It’s common for organizations to outsource many of their core business functions to third parties.

Thus, they should have access to sensitive data and systems. And it’s one of the inherent risks that CISOs should take into account.

Once access is given to third parties, then know that threat factors may also have access to the network. That is why third parties and contractors must take cybersecurity seriously.

However, a survey from Soha systems shows that third parties are not the priorities of IT and security C-level executives. Even if a major percentage of data breach comes from that source.

Gamify Cybersecurity Training

Gamification is the process of introducing games. You can include competition and reward mechanisms into a non-game context. This strategy boosts engagement and fosters communication.

To improve work practices, including cybersecurity and data privacy training, more businesses gamify.

Through this process, stakeholders also take part in securing an organization’s cybersecurity. And also, this eases the business to plan and monitor potential attacks.

Gamification has the element of game-playing. Because of that, CISOs can now educate staff to be more cyber aware.

Gamification makes cybersecurity training to be easy and accessible as possible to workers. In turn, CISOs can ensure that their colleagues keep up with ongoing cyber threats without having to share long presentations.

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